Aren't I a sight! LOL! Seriously, I don't quite look that manic --yet, at least not on the outside, but on the inside.....yes, I'm in a hole heap of stress!
Two books to write, and a little over two weeks to get it done. Should be okay, right? Trouble is, the historical is totally taking over. I mean, the Duke of Sussex just won't leave me alone, he's always nattering in my head, and he's telling me some good stuff. Some good SEXY stuff. BUT, the duke should be quiet now, because I really have to get the the paranormal under the Sophie Renwick umbrella done. I mean, I've got Selkie's and Nymphs and Shadow Wraiths and a bad boy, pain in the arse Fallen Angel to write--and write them fast--and well! But no....Sussex, who would never say anything when I first sat down to write his book now suddenly can't shut the-you-know-what-up!
Sigh...this is the muse talking. And a writer knows that when the muse visits, you invite her in, and give her whatever she wants-ANTHING she wants, just as long as she'll stay with you and give you the words and inspiration you need. Trouble is, this isn't what I need. This is the historical muse visiting, and I need the paranormal one. Anyone seen one?
I swear, I will be certifiable before May rolls around! By the time Sunday afternoon comes by, I WILL look like this!
TGIF....what's everyone doing? Anyone reading anything good? Or planning on starting a book this weekend?
Be Well
happily forever after
12 years ago
OMG, you poor woman. What you need to do is jot down key things whenever the "Duke" tosses the goodies at you. That way, when it's actually his turn to speak, you can just use the notes as reference.
I also just bought your latest Sophie book. My hubby thinks the heroine on the cover kinda looks like me. Yeah, she's about 5 inches taller and has way better hair, lol! My hubby cracks me up.
Anyhow, you can do this!!! *Cheering You On*
LOL Charlotte. Maybe you can bribe the muses with chocolate? I have complete faith in you and can't wait to read what you're writing!
Barbara, I tried that, jotting things down, but the imagery, and the dialogue seems so alive that I feel compelled to write it! Seduced, in fact! LOL! I guess I shouldn't complain, both books are due, and as along as they get written, and I feel inspired, I shouldn't bitch!
And btw, you do sort of look the heroine on the cover of Mists! I pulled out my copy and took a peek, and I think hubs is right! Do you own a gown like that! lol!
Theresa! Thanks for visiting. Chocolate...I usually have a stash of it in my desk for those moments when despair comes upon me! :) I'll offer it up and see what happens! Have a great weekend!
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