for readers/reviewers to read my erotic contemporary romance, Hot In Here and post their review for pimpage. The book is written under my other name Sophie Renwick. I'm debuting that name this June with Hot In Here and I'm looking for ways to bring reader attention to the book. So, if you're interested in an ARC of Hot in Here, just email me at charlotte@charlottefeatherstone.net or sophie@sophierenwick.com and let me know. I have an electronic format, or I will print it out and mail it to you, within North America. If you want more information, you can visit Sophie Renwick for more information on the book!
Okay, so now that I promised VampFanGirl that I would occasionally dole out some dirt and stuff on Lord Wallingford, I thought I'd give her, and you a few treats. It's not like I can send a chocolate bunny, but I'm sure these visuals will be worth a pound of chocolate! lol!
So, we all know that Lord Wallingford is a prickly fellow. He's closed and aloof, and really doesn't have a good opinion of women, although that does not prevent him from being a promiscuous rake!
One of the inspirations for Lord Wallingford was Richard Armitage's portrayal of John Thornton in the BBC's production of Elizabeth Gaskell's awesome book North and South. I read this book in grade 10, the same year I read Pride apnd Prejudice for my English lit class. I have to tell you that I loved N&S more than P&P! Thorton made me weak kneed, even at the age of 15. I hated Darcy at that time in my life, but Thornton...I don't know what it was, I adored him. That set me up, I think, for loving, and writing the brooding, misunderstood hero.
Richard Armitage's brooding sensuality made me fall instantly in love with him. I have adored this man for years, and it's only natural that I put some of that brooding longing into a hero that is probably, my most favorite character. I loved Lindsday, but there is something about Wallingford that reaches in and takes hold of me. He's so broken, that I want to hug him but he's the type that would bite back and shove you away. Which of course, makes me want to reach out even harder!
I am done with his first draft, but I keep being drawn back to it. Probably because I am writing Bran, the hero of my (Sophie's) contemporary paranormal, Velvet Haven. In many ways, these men are similiar. Both are honorable in their own right, and have a hidden vulnverability that only one woman has ever seen. They can be fiercely loyal,yet surely and closed off. Both carry burdens, and secrets that could destroy them. So, I think it's a natural extension, to be writing Bran and thinking of Wallingford.
So, here's a few facts about Wallingford and his book, as well as some very fine pictures of Richard Armitage portraying John Thornton. In these pictures, the 'looks' remind me so much of of Wallingford.

for two more blog
Jane, his heroine is seen briefly in Addicted. She is Anais' aunt's companion.(One savvy reader emailed to ask this question. I was suprised she put two and two together! lol!)
Wallingford is an artist, sculptor and piano player, as well as boxing for release of 'excess desires, pent up feelings, and generalized emotions that make me crazed'
Jane compares Wallingford to an onion, 'you must peel away the layers, and every one of them would you make you cry.'
There is a scene where Jane tells Wallingford that he is 'uninvited' in her life. It was inspired by the song Uninvited by Alanis Morrisette. The words in that song have profound meaning in regards to Jane's speech to Wallingford.
The premise of the book was based on one of my favorite quotes from Anais Nin, it is 'and the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.' It is relevant for both Jane and Wallingford.
The song Broken by Seether and Amy Lee is exactly how Wallinford sees himself. Almost word for word. (You can glean alot about the book from that song!) lol! I wrote a scene to it, where Wallingford is trying to pen a letter to Jane, describing his feelings.
Wallingford's name is Matthew, but Jane, when in the throes of passion whispers 'Matty' in his ear, he becomes completely undone by her honesty.

One of my favorite parts is when Wallingford is monologuing about his life, and his fears. In a very brave moment he realizes that what he longs for the most is a deep human connection. 'He was starved for it, parched, thirsting for a connection with
someone-- no-- with Jane. Greedily he wanted to horde her, to hungrily devour every little word, look, soft inhalation of desire, and selfishly keep it, never to return it her, for it was for him-- his alone. Never to be shared, never to leave the confines of his memories. But there was more, so much more that he wanted from her. Touch, he shuddered at the word, the very thought. Yes. He wanted to be touched by Jane. Outside and deep within his body he wanted Jane's fingers imprinted on him, branding and binding him. He yearned for the feel of her body, her touch, her breath against his skin. He wanted it embedded in his mind, his pores. He wanted her entwined with his body and soul, both which hungered and hurt. Both which were empty and so...' he swallowed and closed his eyes, finding the strength to go on. Both which had never known softness or kindness. Both which were so frighteningly alone and...afraid. What he wanted was the sort of elemental connection that would bind Jane to him for eternity, a connection that would see him well fed and safe, forever. Body and soul. His already belonged to her, and he shook, unnerved by the truth, and the feeling that perhaps, the dawn would for once, be a welcome sight.'
So,there you have it. A Wallingford teaser! I hope you enjoyed it, and it whets your appetite for more of Sinful which be released in May 2010 from Harlequin Spice. (oh, and if you're still loving Lindsay and Anais, you'll get to see them as well!)
O-M-G, I barely have words Charlotte...
"Jane compares Wallingford to an onion, 'you must peel away the layers, and every one of them would you make you cry.'" This made me shudder...
"Wallingford's name is Matthew, but Jane, when in the throes of passion whispers 'Matty' in his ear, he becomes completely undone by her honesty." This had me biting my nails and perching at the edge of my chair!! (I have a totall thing for heroes named Matthew)
Charlotte, O-M-G, I was intrigued by Wallingford before but now I think I've already fallen head over heels in LOVE with him! The poor tortured soul. I love how he thought "Yes. He wanted to be touched by Jane." This was so moving because it shows how he's never wanted to be touched before and just how important Jane means to him to open his body and heart to her in that way. I'm sure it scares the hell out of him! :)
And I swear that if I wasn't at work this would make me cry "He wanted her entwined with his body and soul, both which hungered and hurt." Were you crying through the entire rough draft, Charlotte?? I have a grave suspicion that I'll definitely be sobbing.
Thank you, THANK YOU, for that wonderful teaser, Charlotte. I just might be able to get through my Friday now. :) Oh please, do it again sometime!
Have a wonderful weekend!
:) VampFanGirl
Oh, thanks, VFG!!! Doing this, so early, could be a double edged sword. It might drive potential readers away, but it might not. I know as an avid reader, and rabid fan girl of many authors, i love these early glimpses and teases. So, I'd like to do it for my readers. I will definitely do this again, give you another little glimpse and tease of him.
As to crying...yes. I did. Wallingford is totally broken, and his story was not easy to write, nor will it, in parts, be easy to read. His world is unfair, but unchangeable.He is a slave to his birth, as is Jane. It does have a HEA, for the romance fans, however! But that HEA is not easy, for either Jane or Wallingford.
I'm SO glad you liked the tease!!! Sorry you're at work. I'm heading there tonight, too! blech!
LOL, well your words obviously didn't drive me away!!
I think that a lot of readers prefer teasers vs. no info at all espically when the release date is over a year away. We need something to stay motivated and involved in the series.
I've found that HEA's that are the most difficult to achieve are the most emotionally moving to read. Meljean Brook's HEA's are written like this where truly there appears to be no resolution in sight, or the trials and tribulations with the characters seem too much to overcome. In these endings, I find the greatest sense of pleasure. Yes, they can be stressful, but I feel like I've worked just as hard as the characters sometimes in getting what they want and deserve. It's like in the end, I've really bonded with the characters and I'm genuinely happy that they're finally happy. Did that make any sense?
BTW, I'm lovin' 'Lord of Legends'. It's a fast read too. I gobbled up 100 pages last while cooking dinner and watching TV! I love his impressive attributes *wink wink*. Mariah sure thinks he's well endowed. The man's really a horse! Of course he's gonna be huge!! LOL!
:) VFG
LOL! He is well hung! lol! I particularly loved him in the first halfo of the book while he's learning to be a man. That's not to say that I didn't adore him throughout, because I did. And I liked Mariah, to!!!
Sin's book is next, and I've got that baby on pre-order!
I LOVE IT!!!! Sigh...Man, I can't wait for this one! There is nothing better than a tortured hero who finally finds that one person who gives them reason to believe in love and life. This story is gonna rock!
Thanks, Barabara! I hope it does rock and that readers love him as much as my editor and I do!
Bah, I'm not worried.
BTW, North & South is one of my favorite movies!
Hey there. Barbara sent me here seeing as I am a HUGE fan of all things North and South and there is this ongoing Crusade *g* This book sounds delightful and well - with John Thornton as inspiration..........
I can't wait for his story and thank you for the breadcrumbs! I wanted to read his story after their return in Addicted! Please tell me he dances in the book! What about Garrett, will he be getting his own book too?
I finally watched the movie last year and just loved it. The kiss at the end was awesome.
Hi Charlotte
I just finished Addicted, and OMG, what a story!!! I couldn't put it down, fell asleep reading it. Groggily woke up and finished it!
I'm so glad that Wallingford going to have his story told. Such a tortured soul, but so sweet to his sister, my heart broken for such a beautiful person to become so jaded in life. I can hardly wait.
I've followed so I can come back to heard hear more snippets about the new book. Addicted was fantastic. I loved it.
Dottie and Cindy, thanks so much for coming by to tell me about Addicted. Thanks SO much! I'm really happy to hear it. I loved Lindsay and Anais.
And Wallingford...sigh...yep, such a jaded man, but so vulnerable as well. He made me cry, too.
More bread crumbs will follow on this blog from time to time to feed your need for all things Wallingford. Plus, I really love talking about him. He's complex.
As for Garrett, I'm not sure about whether he's getting a book. To be honest, he doesn't really talk to me. I don't know why. Does that sound weird?
I can tell you that the next full length book after Sinful (Wallingford's books) is an as yet untitled historical, featuring Anais' sister, Ann. I'm travelling to India during the height of the British Raj for that one. It should be nice and sexy, plus exotic.
Thanks for following, and I'll be sure to dangle a bit of tittle tattle about Wallingford from time to time!
Ohhh sounds good :D
And the Armitage pics sure spiced it up, I can so see the character now.
Not to mention I need to see N & S again
I'm totally addicted to N&S!!! I love the character of Thornton, but Richard Armitage portraying him...um, yeah, pretty much orgasmic! lol!
I am so addicted too :) I could just stare all day, lol. Made me watch Robin Hood cos of him.
Even got a friend hooked on N & S. Truly wonderful series, I so need to get it on DVD
Thanks!!! I've added you to my blogroll!
sigh... oh may 2010, when will you arrive?
since you're done with the first draft, perhaps there's a chance we'll see an earlier release?! haha, wishful thinking. :p
looking forward to more wallingford teasers!
p.s. i just pre-ordered your contemporary - it sounds like it'll be a lot of fun! after all, what's better than food and sex combined? :D
p.p.s. any more thoughts on a mina book? :D
Theresa, thanks so much for visiting, and thanks MUCHO thanks for pre-ordering Hot In Here. Food and sex, and a hunk making it for you! yeah, loved writing that. My ultimate fantasy, in fact! lol!
Mina...well, you know, I just pitched book two of my second contract, and guess what, it was hers.....
Can't tell you about the hero, but keep everything crossed for me that my editor will fall all over herself to take it!
So, it's Sinful...May 2010
Taboo (Ann's book) and this title is definitely changing. Sometime in 2011, and hopefully Mina in 2012
These dates could change though. But not Wallingford. He'll be out in May 2010
And oh....they talked cover art yesterday and I know a bit about the cover...let's just say that it's gonna be him on the cover!
Cindy W, thanks for stopping by and adding me to your blog roll!
I can't wait for this book! ! ! Broken by seether was my go to song for Addicted. Lol. I "soundtrack" the books I fall in love with. I wasn't sure I would ever like a hero as much as Lindsay, but I think Wallingford might be the one to push him out of the number one spot!
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