Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. My weekend started with a blizzard on Friday, and while I'm completely sick of winter here in the Great White North, the nasty weather afforded me some much needed downtime. I got caught up on editing, and did some more writing on Pride and Passion as well, I was able to sit and read through a research book I bought back months ago.
For writers in the Victorian era, or just lovers of the era, I cannot recommend Life in the Victorian Country House by Pamela Horn enough. Fantastic resource, with numerous little kernels of information and lots of photographs, many of which are black and white originals of real-live Victorian aristocrats! I was especially enaormed of the section that spoke of the 'belowstairs' parties and dances that the master of the house allowed his servants. I had no idea that this happened, but apparently, it did, and in many households. So, now I am of course thinking of all the possibilities for future books!
As well as editing and writing--and researching, I spent the weekend working on a new idea for a series. Originally, I thought perhaps that it would be about a group of very close knit friends. I tend to write alot about friends, but suddenly, the friends aspect seemed to melt away, replaced by a very tight knit family, led by the man of the house--a duke. I've never written a series centered around a family. I don't know why, perhaps it's because I really don't have that sort of relationship with my own family. Don't get me wrong, we're all friends, and care for each other, but there is not that emotional closeness that many friends have. But this family...well, this one just feels right. The Westlake's seem so real to me, and jotting them down, and etching out their stories has been alot of fun. I've had numerous inspiring things, from pictures, to music to help this process along. But nothing has been more inspiring than my planned research trip to England.
The North of England has long fascinated me, with it's rugged scenery, it's sometimes bleak sky, and it's hearty people. There's a definite romantic feel for that part of the country, and I've always longed to write about that part of the country. I've been through many times on the train from London to Edinburgh, but I've never stayed. So, this time, I'm spending a few days in London, but then the rest of the time, I'll be staying in North Yorkshire, in a little cottage that is a couple of hundred years old! I can't wait. And I know the scenery is going to be so inspiring for my new series idea. I'm thinking of placing it in early fall, in a country house, with lots of angst and emotion, set amongst the romantic and dramatic moors. Think Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, with lots of smexy parts! lol!
One place I'm determined to go to is Harewood House. I know that this place shall be the starting point for me, because it's the inspiration for the Westlake's country house. From the pictures on the website it looks like the perfect place for the duke and his siblings--along with a feisty, match making aunt!
Imagine being mistress of a such a place!
The 'musing' part of planning a book and or a series, is one of my most favorite aspects of writing. I love to just sit and daydream about the characters, their lovers, the locale, and maybe hear a quote or two that I'll jot down in my 'idea' book. This new idea is particularly exciting becomes it's coming together at the same time that we're planning our trip to England.
There will be more about the trip, as well as the new idea as the months move along. But for now, let me share some of the inspiring pictures of North Yorkshire and its moody moors.
And our gorgeous, historic cottage.......
Curious minds...what part of England, or the UK for that matter, are you just dying to get to? For me, after North Yorkshire, it's the Lake District.
happily forever after
12 years ago